Monday, January 30, 2012

just a tribute: to katie and andy

When I first found out that my older sister Katie was engaged, I nearly had a heart attack. I must have experienced every emotion possible in a 30 minute time span, and boy was it exhausting. I went from angry to ecstatic, from ecstatic to sobbing, and from sobbing to laughing. Why was anger my first emotion experienced? I was convinced John had known about this and didn't tell me, however he and Andy confirmed that John was the same as me....out of the loop. I was then totally elated, jumping up and down and screaming like a little girl (living in an apartment, I'm sure all my neighbors were thrilled about this)! Then came the tears (and the one that confused John the most) and I don't know how to put this without me sounding completely lame, but I just wish I was with them to give them a hug. Finally, I started laughing. I laughed because I was happy, but most of all because I was embarrassed at my actions.

So cheers to my sister and new brother, Katie and Andy!!!

p.s. below are their engagement photos taken by yours truly!

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