Friday, October 21, 2011

just a tribute: to reading

Let me just start out  by saying I never thought I would ever go from reading a tangible book to an electronic one. But ever since John bought me an iPad, I have been hooked on reading books off of it. I usually start off a book by reading it every night before I go to bed, but once the plot thickens (and depending on how good it is) I could easily spend hours in the morning and afternoon consumed in the book. I have recently read some really good books, and am always looking for some recommendations for more! Some of the books that I have recently read and recommend are:

I most recently finished reading The Help. At first, I wasn't sure I wanted to read it, but then I kept on hearing about all the rave reviews that the movie was getting, so I thought I would give it a try. I was not disappointed, it was a very well written novel that shared an important part of our history. Luckily, The Help was still in theaters when I finished reading and John was gracious enough to take me to see the movie!

If a movie comes out based on a book, I always try to read the book before I see the movie. I didn't see Water For Elephants in theater, so I thought I would read the book before it came out on video. I am so glad I did, it was such a romantic book! I definitely take after my mom when it comes to reading, because I love me a romance novel ;)

This was another book where I read it first, then saw the movie. It was a very cute, light, and easy read. I also recommend the sequel to this, Something Blue.

I am sure the majority of you reading this have at least heard of this AMAZING series. But if not, I am honored to have been the one to introduce you. They are great books that once you start, you just cant put them down. Luckily when I first started these books I was on vacation in Cancun with John and had plenty of time to spare! I am so excited for the movies to come out!
This is a picture of me reading the second book in Cancun! 

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